You’ve Got Mail
Faith tries to make amends by email.
Continue readingfiction across the fandoms
Faith tries to make amends by email.
Continue readingA couple of hours in the life of Faith. Could have possibly been what happened after they got home from Santa Carla in The Lost Slayers, but then again, maybe not. Who cares?
Continue readingSarcastic Diary entries for the vampires in the film. Do not expect this to be intelligent or angsty. This are superficial parodies. Fun and no brains. Inspired by Cassandra Claire’s LotR Very Secret Diaries.
Continue readingBuffy and Faith trade deepest darkest secrets. Another bit of fluffy nonsense from me. The Lost Series (Story 1.5) but can be stand-alone.
Continue readingBuffy and Faith are sent to Santa Carla on a mission. Things quickly go from bad to worse to beyond.
Continue readingThree weeks after the events of “A Moonlight Tale” Luna reflects on the changes in her life, and where she actually belongs now she knows the truth.
Continue readingWhen Star and Michael Emerson die in a car crash, their daughter Luna is understandably distraught. While sorting their belongings for Goodwill, she stumbles over some very old journals belonging to her mother. These journals call everything Luna has taken for granted into question. A trip to Santa Carla—one meant to shed some light on the subject—causes yet more confusion. Who are the gang mentioned in Star’s journal? And why does Luna’s new love-interest, who appears only a few years older than herself, remember Star and Michael?
Continue readingBased on a challenge from Kass Shakespeare, in which Riley comes back for a one night stand with Buffy. Spuffy fic.
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