Length (Words): 20-30k


One minute, Mr. Nydick was rubbing Jessica’s shoulders, in a wholly inappropriate way, under the guise of demonstrating… something about the Civil War, the next he wasn’t.

Every person outside of the students of Sweet Valley Middle School vanishes from Sweet Valley. They’re just gone. And now people are developing strange powers. Inevitably, with these fight-happy idiots, it’s going to be a bloodbath.

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Nightmares and Dreamscapes

Buffy and Faith are sent to Springwood, Ohio to stop a demon that seems to be killing teenagers in their sleep. A Nightmare on Elm Street/Buffy crossover.

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Go! (co-written by Charisma)

Road trip to Vegas. Yes, I have a map and we know exactly how far away Vegas is from Minnesota. *sigh* Just go with it.

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Smoke (co-written with Victory Thru Tears)

Charlie and Adam have always been close, but just how close? Is Fulton the only one that notices? And now that Banks is back on JV, are things going to be the same?

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My Best Friend’s Wedding

My Best Friend’s Wedding/BtVS crossover, answer to a challenge from Liv, in which you have to use the plot of MBFW, using only Buffy and Faith, and no other characters from the Buffyverse, you must remove the supernatural elements, and a whole bunch of other stuff which is mentioned in the notes!

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The Lost Slayers

Buffy and Faith are sent to Santa Carla on a mission. Things quickly go from bad to worse to beyond.

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A Moonlight Tale

When Star and Michael Emerson die in a car crash, their daughter Luna is understandably distraught. While sorting their belongings for Goodwill, she stumbles over some very old journals belonging to her mother. These journals call everything Luna has taken for granted into question. A trip to Santa Carla—one meant to shed some light on the subject—causes yet more confusion. Who are the gang mentioned in Star’s journal? And why does Luna’s new love-interest, who appears only a few years older than herself, remember Star and Michael?

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